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8 common credit card mistakes you might be making

Teach yourself how to use your credit card wisely.

When using a credit card, it’s simple to make mistakes that can damage your credit and leave you in debt. Two popular errors include utilizing cards for daily purchases and  making minimum payments.

Key Takeaway

Missing payments and utilizing credit cards for daily purchases are the most common habits to hurt your credit score. Keep an eye on your spending habits and try not to catch some from friends and relatives. A great credit score needs control, some financial tips and a little reading!

However, it’s not difficult to develop the practice of responsibly using credit cards. As a result, you can build credit while saving money, and you might even be able to benefit from some perks along the way.

Here are eight credit card mistakes that you should never make: 

Missing payments

Skipping payments or making late payments on your credit cards can have a significant impact on your credit score because your payment history is one of the main factors used to assess your creditworthiness. Even one late payment can have an effect on your credit score because it can stay on your credit report for up to six years! To guarantee that you never forget a payment date, set up automatic payments or reminders for the full amount due or use platforms like Kubera to stay ahead in your financial journey!

Finishing off all credit

Using your credit card to its limit, especially if it’s high, might be very tempting. However, utilizing all of your credit limit can cause your credit score to drop.

Your credit use ratio—the difference between the total amount of credit available to you and the amount of credit you actually use—has a significant impact on your credit score. To keep your credit usage ratio in good shape, try not to use more than 30% of your available credit at any one time.

Turning off past credit accounts

Keep up your credit age to stay in the game!

Closing old credit accounts shortens your credit history, which might affect your credit score. An important factor in determining your creditworthiness is your credit history, which is an accumulation of all the credit accounts you have had. Keep previous credit accounts open even if you’re not using them for anything.

If you’re concerned about the expenses associated with maintaining an outdated credit account, consider choosing the right card. Understanding one’s spending habits is essential to obtaining a credit card that meets one’s financial demands. Cardholders should evaluate fees, interest rates, rewards, and other benefits offered by various cards in order to make an informed choice.


Understand the Billing Cycle

Sync your financial cycles! And yes make the most out of them.

There is a charge procedure associated with every card. The first thing a new credit card user has to know is the billing cycle. The length of the billing cycle might range from 25 to 45 days or more, depending on the type of card. Once the bill is generated, purchases can be scheduled to provide an interest-free time.

Avoid using cards Overseas

Most people do not know that companies charge intensely when using cards abroad! Use cash more when traveling.

Overseas markup is a fee associated with using your card to make purchases overseas; it often ranges from 2.5% to 4%. The markup rate is disclosed in the terms and conditions.

The YES Bank First Exclusive Card features one of the lowest markups, at just 1.75%.

Prevent Cash Withdrawals

If necessary do withdrawals only by debit cards!

Taking money out of credit cards is not a smart choice because there are high interest and fee costs. If at all possible, borrowing should only be done as a last option.

Mind Before Heart

We understand how huge in-hand credits and exciting offers can tempt you. Remember your savings balance the next time you make that tap!

Avoid going over the credit limit while using a credit card because, in essence, you are spending money that you do not currently have. It could appear enticing to new users, tempting them to engage in extravagant spending. The first step in this procedure is to make sure that you never, ever exceed your credit card limit. 

Also Read: How does Amazon use algorithms to alter prices ?

Avoid catching Spending Habbits!

Should you adopt your closest friend’s spending patterns?Examining what you truly spend money on and choosing the credit card that best suits your needs should be your first steps. Go over your spending habits and minimize unnecessary bills to keep your credit age long!

Getting your credit score to the desired level may take several years. You can establish and maintain a healthy credit profile by paying your payments on time, avoiding debt that could strain your budget, checking your credit report and score frequently, and keeping your credit card balances low.

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